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Multi-Cyclone System

Multi-Cyclone consists of an array of parallel tubes, with a common inlet chamber, a common outlet plenum, and a common dust collection system. These chambers must be designed for a constant pressure drop in each, to avoid any channeling of the dirty gas to any particular single cyclone or the group of cyclones.



The emissions first will be passed through a multi-cyclonic separator. Cyclones use inertia to remove particulates from a spinning gas stream. Within a cyclone, the gas is forced to spin. Cyclones operate by creating double vortex inside the cyclone body. The incoming gas is forced into a circular motion. The gas spirals down the cyclone near the inner surface of the cyclone tube. At the bottom of the cyclone (Conical portion), the gas turns & spiral up through the gas outlet (a tube intruding into the cyclone cylinder at its top). Particles in the gas stream are forced towards the cyclone walls by the centrifugal force of the spinning gas, but are opposed by the fluid drag force of the gas travelling through and out of the cyclone. For certain particles (depending on mass), inertial momentum overcomes the fluid drag force so the particles reach cyclone walls & are collected. Gravity also causes the particulates that reach the cyclone reach the cyclone walls to travel down into the bottom hopper. For high efficiency, at reasonable capacity, a battery of smaller cyclones, operating in parallel, is preferred.

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